Sold: $9.99 Fees: $1.51
Profit: $8.48
This is the last Creep comic I had. With this sale, I sold out of all the comics from this particular lot from the auction. I have now sold out completely of 3 of the 32 lots. I still have a lot of comics to sell. This particular lot - which contained all the Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella comics - was the most expensive from the entire auction. I paid $907 for this lot, and I made a gross profit on the lot of $1,261.32, leaving me with a net profit on this lot of $353.93. Not the best return on my investment, but this lot brought a lot of buyers to my store, and it's still a nice profit. I probably wouldn't have bought this lot if it was the only lot I was buying, but as part of the overall purchase it was well worth it.
Current profit off the wedding comic auction: $8,150.91