Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Release day Limited Edition Steelbooks

Bought: $48.58 Sold: $72.80 Fees: $14.77* Profit: $9.45

Steelbooks are the new collectible thing in Blu-Rays today. They are limited edition releases of movies and tv shows, that come in metal boxes with unique collectible designs. They are often limited to a store or country, and some collectors want these above other forms of packaging. This was a Canadian Best Buy limited edition of the first season of Better Call Saul Blu-Ray. I'm not sure how "limited" it is seeing as (the British Amazon) had the same limited Steelbook. Meaning that anyone in Canada or Europe can get this easily. It just leaves our friends to the south unable to buy this easily. It was released yesterday, and I picked up four copies. The nice thing is that I can always return them if they don't sell, so pretty low margin of risk. I listed two on eBay, though haven't sold any there yet. I managed to sell this one on Reddit to someone looking to buy it for his wife's birthday. I charged him $55 USD including shipping, so the "fees" above are not actually fees but the shipping cost. I didn't make a huge profit on this, but $10 for 5 minutes of work isn't bad and it made someone happy. If the others sell on eBay, I stand to make a large ROI. Fingers crossed other collectors are waiting on this. 

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