Thursday, September 27, 2018

Flipping Experiment #2: Storage Locker - Month #6

September 27th - LMFAO Party Rock CD

Sold for: $4.99 Fees: $1.04

Another one of the CDs from the storage locker. I would never buy CDs to resell, but I'll take $5 for this as it was free.

The Numbers:
Initial Cost: $326.29 
Number of items sold in September: 2
Number of items sold overall: 40
Gross Profit for September: $24.98
Fees to eBay: $4.50
Net Profit for September: $20.48
Net Overall Profit: $346.67

September 4th - Scientific Calculator
Sold for: $19.99 Fees: $3.46

Just a scientific calculator from the locker. With this sale, I have officially doubled my investment on this locker. With fees and taxes I paid $326.29, and I have sold items for $669.01 after fees, leaving me with a net profit of $342.72! Not bad for a hoarder's storage locker.

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