Saturday, September 15, 2018

Storage Locker #2

September 15 - PS2 Jak and Daxter

Sold for: $4.99 Fees: $1.04

Another of the PS2 games sold.

The Numbers:
Initial Cost: $412.91
Number of items sold in September: 2
Number of items sold overall: 28
Gross Profit for September: $44.99
Fees to eBay: $1.04
Net Profit for September: $43.95
Net Overall Profit: $228.26

September 13 - Coffee Table
Sold for: $40.00 Fees: $0.00

This coffee table came out of the storage locker from Brockville. This took a lot longer to sell than I thought it would, but it finally sold to some students for full asking price. 

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