Thursday, May 14, 2020

Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth Deluxe Editions

Sold: $149.99 Fees: $16.95 Profit: $133.04

This is one of my favorite comic series. It is by a Canadian artist, who both wrote and drew this series. I have this entire series in single issues, trade paperbacks and then a few years ago my sister was at a book sale and they had these 3 hardcover editions for $2 each so I asked her to grab them for me. I didn't have an idea in mind for them, considering giving them to someone as a gift, but they've just been sitting on my shelf. On Tuesday it was announced that Netflix is making it into a series starring Robert Downey Jr. So the eBay prices shot through the roof. I have some extra copies of the comics that I will likely sell at some point, although I will wait for the Netflix show to come out for that since I think I'll make a better profit then. I still wanted to capture this initial fury of excitement, so I listed this lot of books and I listed it high. You were able to buy each one of these new for about $30, so I priced mind about $50 higher than that and it still sold. Someone likely wanted the convenience of getting all three together, and I was the only one selling all three. So I pocketed $133 in one day for 5 minutes of work just because it was the right time to sell.

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