Thursday, January 4, 2018

Auction Item: Guy Laroche Fidji Perfume Bottle

Sold for: $9.99 Fees: $0.97
Initial Cost for this item's lot: $31.08 Profit on this lot to date: -$5.29

This small bottle of perfume was one of the perfume bottles I picked up in the Cornwall auction. The bottle has almost no perfume left, but the box and bottle were very nice and figured someone may want them, and I was right. Not a huge profit, but I still have a lot of perfume bottles left that I hope sell and make a profit.

The Numbers:

Initial Overall Cost: $118.10
Number of items sold in January: 1
Number of items sold overall: 34
Gross Profit for January: $9.99
Fees to eBay: $0.97
Net Profit for January: $9.02

Net Overall Profit: $256.39

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