Sunday, January 7, 2018

The World Pog Federation Retailer Investment Brochure

Sale Price: $49.99 Fees: $6.33 Profit: $43.66

This is an interesting item. In among the comics were a bunch of documents that it appears the former owner picked up while at Comic Con in 1994. Most of them were flyers or catalogs and not overly collectible or valuable, but this was interesting. It was a large document that was selling the company "The World Pog Federation" and their new product "Pogs" to retailers trying to get them to invest in stock. It included a price sheet. Of course, Pog went on to be one of the biggests fads of the 1990's, and still has a fan base, albeit a lot smaller one. I figured that there was not a lot of these left around, and so put on a high price tag. I got a message from someone in the UK saying they had to have this and would I be willing to ship it there. I responded saying I had no problem but due to the weight it was rather expensive to send with tracking, costing $65 CDN, but he paid it! I guess he really loves Pogs. This was an unexpected sale, and really adds to the bottom line of this auction!

Current profit off the comic auction: -$2,873.64

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