Sunday, March 18, 2018

Tonka Truck Excavator

Sale Price: $39.99 Fees: $5.32 Profit: $34.67

This is a vintage Tonka Excavator truck from the 1970's. This weekend I picked up a huge lot of toys from an online estate sale auction. It was clearly a pile of toys that grandparents kept at their place for their grandchildren. It was a random mix of toys, all from the 1970's and all well loved. I'm going to have a lot of work ahead of me sorting through it all. Today I cleaned, photographed, listed and packaged all the toy trucks in the lot. This was one of them. I must have listed it too low because it sold within half an hour of being listed. It is hard to look these up since they have model numbers. I did the best I could. That being said, this single sale paid for 1/3 of the entire toy lot so in the head I'm still going to come out ahead. 

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