Sunday, August 30, 2015

A true Nightmare...

Bought: $4.50 Sold: $30.00 Fees: $0.00 Profit: $25.50

This was an auction for Nightmare the board game. What makes this board game unique, and thus somewhat desirable, is that it included a VHS tape that was required to play the game. There has since been a DVD version, which I have never seen. As well there are 3 sequels, which also sell well. Worth keeping an eye out for.

I found this yesterday, Saturday, morning at VV for $3.99. I am always on the lookout for certain games, and this one is on my list. I couldn't believe it when I opened it that not only was the tape there (often it is missing), but it looked complete! When I got home, I checked and only four pieces were missing - the nightmare cards - but thankfully they are not essential to the game at all. 

Now I know these sell on eBay, but I figured with Halloween coming up, and the game having some desirability generally, I'd first list it on Kijiji. Within 2 hours of posting the ad I got a response and they agreed to my asking price! Always nice not to have to haggle with someone. I met them today, and in less than 24 hours I had made more than 500% profit, and with no fees! 

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