Sunday, August 30, 2015

Some more Meccano

Bought: $0.00* Sold: $13.20 Fees: $1.37 Profit: $10.83

I found a listing on Kijiji for someone selling a box of Meccano. The picture was terrible - used a cardboard box covered mostly with an instruction manual, and his ad said that it would make a great art project. He was asking $60, I offered him $45 and accepted. When I went to get it, he was curious what I was going to do with it, and when I told him I was going to use it, he was shocked. He said he didn't think they still sold these or anyone used them. He had bought them to make art but never got around to it. The box was heavy, and in it was an assortment of older pieces with a few instruction manuals. I sorted through the box, and took these long pieces. Mainly because they were so much bigger than everything else, and because it was an easy thing to try and sell. I intend to part out the pieces and sell them off in lots, and this was the first. I had it listed for $15 BIN, and accepted an offer of $10 USD.

*The reason I didn't put any value for the "bought" is that this was less than 5% of the entire box's contents, and I have a lot more to sell. I'll list the "bought" value at a later date once I've sold enough of it. It will all work out in the wash.

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