Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pokemon Cards

Bought: $00.00 Sold: $32.16 Fees: $3.16 Profit: $29.00

Here I am back to selling my childhood. I found these in my closet in a box of old MTG cards. I used to have a lot more Pokemon cards. In fact I had every card in the first edition, but I have no idea where they went. I was shocked to discover that some of these cards still held value. Of the 10 cards I found, these four seemed to be worth trying to sell, and sell they did. I listed these each as a BIN, and they all sold within a few weeks.

These four auctions had a nice profit margin as I didn't pay anything for the cards. Well, not in 2015 at least, and they were just sitting in my closet. I'd much rather have the profit.

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