Thursday, February 9, 2017

JAMS WORLD Men's Shirt

Bought: $10.16 Sold: $35.00 Fees: $4.11 Profit: $20.73

So, back in November I decided to try and see if I could find clothing to sell. I bought about 10 things, and this was the first to sell. I realised it is not for me. It is very tedious looking for stuff, and a pain to list. The market for used clothing is huge on eBay, so tons of competition. Most clothing doesn't sell for a ton, and prices for used clothing at thrift stores in Ottawa are pretty high not leaving much room for profit. I know that some people make a living on eBay just selling clothes, but they buy clothes by the pound for pennies and sell a huge amount for cheap which adds up. So I have given up on clothing unless something is particularly unique or interesting. Anyways, this is a Hawaiian shirt by the company Jam's World, and it sold, so I'm happy to have it gone and made some profit. 

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