Sunday, March 4, 2018

Lot of 17 Metagaming Microgames

Bought: $105.90 Sold: $181.00 Fees: $19.96 Profit: $55.14

I was in Pembroke for court over a year ago and stopped in at the local VV on my lunch break. Behind the display case they had all these Metagaming Microgames. These games were the first games designed and created by Steve Jackson, who is now a very famous game designer. The first game in this series, Orgre, is one of his most famous games and has been reprinted and redesigned a number of times. This collection would have been worth a whole lot more except for the fact that 90% of these games were missing the tokens. They simply had the rules and the maps but none of the playing tokens. I am guessing what happened is that the previous owner stored all the tokens together in one place and either it didn't get donated or it did and the employees didn't realize it went with this. Either way the lack of tokens made this into a rather disappointing pickup. I would not have bought them had I not know. Thankfully this first edition of Ogre was complete and sells on it's own for $100. I was hoping by combining the rest with it would entice someone to buy it. I listed it for $200, and finally took the first reasonable offer I received of $181. I had a number of lowball offers, all under $100 - which is just ridiculous considering I know Ogre alone is worth more than that. I really just wanted this to sell so I could recoup my investment and not have it be a total failure. This was a risk that didn't pay off, but at least I still managed to make a small profit.

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