Sunday, August 27, 2017

Commissioned Sale: 10 Teenie Beanie Babies

Sale Price: $14.99 Fees:$2.67 Profit: $12.32
My 30% cut of the Profit: $3.70

So when my assistant asked me to sell her pins, she also brought a giant pin of Beanie Babies and said they were just taking up space and to sell them as well. She didn't care if they went for little, she just wanted them gone. I've been ignoring the box for over a year now since I have absolutely no desire to sell Beanie babies, but I finally decided I wanted them gone so I could better use that space. I listed about 15 at $0.99 auctions and got no interest, so I relisted them as all 40 in one lot. I also listed these 10 "teenie beanie babies" which are smaller than normal beanie babies as one lot, although this lot was a buy it now as opposed to auction, and there is a lot of really big beanie babies which are the size of teddy bears. I'm hoping that the other two lots sell at auction and I am able to get rid of everything in three lots. This lot I priced low to just move it and it sold within a few days. The buyer of this lot bid on the 40 beanie baby lot right after, then messaged me asking me a question about them and after I answered she decided she wanted to cancel her bid as she assumed they were older or "rarer" (if that even exists for beanie babies) than they actually were. The next day she bid again... no idea why! She is currently winning the other lot. That being said, she bought these and they are off to her today. One of three lots sold and gone!

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