Sunday, August 27, 2017

Fraidy Cats board game pieces

Bought: $5.64 Sold: $19.99 Fees: $3.19 Profit: $11.16

I picked up this board game, but it wasn't complete so I listed the parts that were not broken together. A few months ago I was contacted about selling just a few of the pieces, which I did and are not counted in the profit here. Yesterday someone messaged me asking if they could just buy the dog, and I agreed but since I was out of town I told them they would have to wait until I got home and made a new listing. A few hours later someone else bought the whole lot. So that first person is out of luck, but what are the chances two people found this and wanted to buy it within hours of each other, espicially considering this has been listed for months. That being said, I'd much rather sell it all as one as opposed to selling the dog and then trying to sell the rest later. 

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