Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game

Bought: $17.91 Sold: $49.99 Fees: $6.39 Profit: $25.69

I picked up these boxes of LOTR trading card game cards on a whim figuring with that many cards I couldn't lose money. I looked up each card hoping to find one or two worth selling on their own, but the most expensive cards sold for $4-5. I decided instead of listing individual cards and having them sell over months or years, I just threw them up as a lot and I included a list of all the cards included. I listed it lower than market value, as far as I can tell, so it would sell quickly. It sold in just under 24 hours, and I made a decent return, so I'm happy with it. Could have been a lot worse, could have ended up with a whole lot of valueless cards and stuck unable to sell the,.

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