Monday, September 18, 2017

Barcode Battler

Bought: $5.64 Sold: $75.00 Fees: $9.47 Profit: $59.89

This is a really interesting game. It's a handheld game that allows you to battle against an opponent or the computer, and while it comes with character cards, you can use the bardcode from anything! You scan barcodes to act as the characters or the items. You won't know what you get until you scan the barcode. This apparently caused a bit of a surge on various items in Japan when this came out once people figured out what items had the best bardcodes. An interesting idea, although it was apparently not very successful in North America. This set was complete in the original box, and while it had some corrosion in the battery compartment it worked. It sold to a prof of computing at the University of Calgary. 

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