Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Flipping Experiment #1: Comic and Anime statues, comics and posters - Month #17

September 18th - Cowboy Bebop Statue
Sold for: $330.00 Fees: $55.21

This is probably the most expensive statue in the lot. It's had a number of watchers over the last two years, but on offers until today. I woke up to a long email with a number of questions, and while this would normally cause some concern, this is clearly a collector who wants to make sure they are getting what I say I'm selling. After a bit of back and forth, I accepted an offer. I'm nervous about it making it to Florida in one piece. I'm very hopeful that it will, but I won't be counting this money as in the bank until I hear from him that he received it and that it is in good shape. 

The Numbers:
Initial Cost: $2,000 
Number of items sold in September: 3
Number of items sold overall: 113
Gross Profit for September: $456.99
Fees to eBay: $79.24
Net Profit for September: $377.75
Net Overall Profit: $3584.57

Chris and I have recouped our initial investment, and each made a profit of $1792.26

September 4th - Frank Miller's Ronin Poster
Sold for: $37.00 Fees: $7.64

This was a poster for the comic series Ronin by the famous Frank Miller. I was shocked it took so long to sell this poster, as it is pretty unique and of a rather classic series. I had it up for $45, and asked if I would take $30 USD (which is currently $37 CDN). I was glad to take it and get this poster sold.

September 4th - Banpresto Code Geass
Sold for: $99.99 Fees: $16.39

This was one of the anime statues, and was actually one of the smallest. The box is only about 6" by 4". It was still sealed and the box is entirely in Japanese so I have no idea if it comes assembled or if its a model kit. I priced it at a high price as there were none others on eBay, and it finally sold for my asking. It sold to a new eBay user and is being sent to a freight forwarded, so likely bought by someone overseas. Really hoping there isn't any issue with this buyer.

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