Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sony Walkman

Bought: $3.16 Sold: $24.99 Fees: $2.58 Profit: $19.25

Sony Walkmans always sell, and the yellow sports ones especially so. I knew I wouldn't make a huge profit on this, but I knew it would sell fast. I had someone message me asking if they could do a local pickup, and when I agreed, they explained that it was actually his father who wanted to buy it and could he call me, and when I spoke to him, he was only visiting town, didn't know how to get to my place, and wanted me to deliver it to the other side of town. I politely declined - a 30 minute drive is not worth $20, and I knew it would sell. Here we are just a week later and it has sold, and I get to let Canada Post do the delivery for me.

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