Thursday, July 27, 2017

Flipping Experiment #1: Comic and Anime statues, comics and posters - Month #15

July 27th - Danger Girl Dangerous Collection 1-3

Sold for: $14.99 Fees: $4.32

This collection of the first three volumes of the Danger Girl trade paperbacks sold. This series is not very popular, and these trades only collect 2 issues each, so they are not that collectible. That being said, it was better to sell all three together for $15 as opposed to trying to sell each for $5. A few more books out of storage.

The Numbers:
Initial Cost: $2,000 
Number of items sold in July: 9
Number of items sold overall: 107
Gross Profit for July: $344.95
Fees to eBay: $67.72
Net Profit for June: $277.23
Net Overall Profit: $3154.88

Chris and I have recouped our initial investment, and each made a profit of $1577.44

July 7th - X-Men Poster
Sold for: $49.99 Fees: $9.65

Another Marvel poster sold, and for a good price. I really wish I had more of these to sell, they have a great ROI.

July 8th - Wildstorm Universe Poster
Sold for: $14.99 Fees: $3.99

This is a massive poster (28" x 87") featuring every character in the Wildstorm comic universe, and signed by every creator. Wildstorm was a indie comic publisher in the 90's that didn't become big, but there must be some fans of it out there. This was our 100th sale from this lot of stuff, and still a lot more to sell. This investment continues to pay off.

July 8th - Lady Death Poster
Sold for: $15.00 Fees: $4.61

This is a poster of Lady Death from Chaos comics. There is a fan base for her comics, although not a large one. I was worried this poster might never sell, so glad to see that it did.

July 9th - Marvel X-men Poster
Sold for: $70.00 Fees: $11.94

Our fourth poster in three days, not bad. This was my favorite poster of the lot we had - Emma Frost, the White Queen. I couldn't find this poster anywhere online, so posted it high at $100, and took best offer of $70.

July 16 - Witchblade Figure
Sold for: $99.99 Fees: $15.51

We finally sold another figure, and a $100 one at that! This one features Witchblade, a figure from an independent press and while not necessarily mainstream, she has her fans.

July 17 - Spawn & Angela Poster
Sold for: $25.00 Fees: $5.61

July has been popular for posters, and I'm glad to see them go! This is a poster of Spawn and Angela from Image Comics. Angela has an interesting history, and was the subject of a lengthy legal battle which ended last year and the creator got full rights to her and moved her from Image comics to Marvel comics where she is now the long-lost sister of Thor of Loki. That being said, this poster is from the 90's back when she was still under Image's creative control.

July 23rd - Bleach Anime Wall Scroll
Sold for: $45.00 Fees: $8.74

In addition to all the posters, there were four wall scrolls. These are quite common for anime shows and movies - I'm not quite sure why. These are quite large (42" x 31"), and are expensive to ship. They are all over a decade old, and so the patterns are all retired. The problem with wall scrolls is that China produces 100s for all anime and sells them really cheap, so these will take a long time to sell. I listed them high and was intending to take offers. This was the first offer I got on this one and it was a reasonable offer, and I am just glad to get one of these out of storage!

July 24th - Avengers Disassembled Trade
Sold for: $9.99 Fees: $3.35

Finally one of the trade paperbacks sold. We only have a few of these, but they will take forever to sell. The problem with trade paperbacks is that they are produced en mass and usually sell for $15-20 new, so there isn't much of a secondary market. Also they tend to collect only 5 or 6 issues, so people often want larger collections. I'm very glad to see one sell.

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