Monday, June 5, 2017

Commissioned Sale: Three Minifigs

Sale Price: $10.00 Fees:$0.00 Profit: $10.00
My 70% cut of the Profit: $7.00

Chris picked up a bucket of action figures at a garage sale for $1. He decided to just pay for it himself and asked me to sell them on commission. He agreed to a 70/30 split. At the bottom of the container I found these three Lego Minifigs - Minecraft cave zombie, TMNT Raphael, and Lego Movie Emmett. These sell for about $5 each on eBay, but I couldn't be bothered to listed and mail them all, so I just listed all three in lot on Kijiji for $10 and had a buyer in an hour. A quick sale, and Chris has already made back his investment. 

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