Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Lego Head Sorter

Bought: $14.68 Sold: $40.00 Fees: $5.89 Profit: $19.43
Chris' 5% Commission: $0.97

This is a LEGO carrying case, that also acts as a sorter. The top lifts up and you throw pieces in and shake it, and the inner shelves have holes of different sizes so that each stage catches pieces of different sizes helping you to sort the pieces. Chris found this at a children's consignment store. One problem that I keep forgetting about is even if a large item is worth money, it may not be after shipping is taken into account. It cost $25 to ship this across the country, and so people are not willing to spend as much on the item if they have to pay so much for shipping. That being said, it is still a sale and this very large box is now out of my basement. 

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