Thursday, June 29, 2017

Play-Doh Cookie Monster

Bought: $4.51 Sold: $79.99 Fees: $10.30 Profit: $65.18
Chris' 5% Commission: $3.26

Chris found my favorite Play-Doh set at VV in a hanging baggie for only $4! I was shocked that it had not lost a single piece, EXCEPT that while it included 26 letters, there was a misprint and instead of the P there was a second B. It wasn't even that there were two Bs, but the second B, that should have been the P, was the color of the P tile and not the B tile. The original box must have accidentally came with the two Bs. Anyways, I listed it a bit lower normal due to no box and only 25 letters, but it sold in less than a week. I have another one listed that only has 25 letters but has the box and it hasn't sold, so I decided to lower the price of it a bit in hopes it would sell. If this had all 26 letters it would consistently sell for over $100. 

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