Wednesday, March 30, 2016

An EPIC Star Wars sale

Bought: $5.00 Sold: $197.86 Fees: $18.47 Profit: $174.39

This is a board game. A Star Wars board game released in 2002, that for some reason draws huge demand. This is the Star Wars board game you have to keep your eye out for: Star Wars Epic Duels Game. It contains 31 miniature figures, and 378 cards, allowing you to create duels between almost anyone in the Star Wars universe. I can understand why it is desirable - the 31 little figures alone would be desirable, but I am not sure of why there is such low supply. I am guessing the game was either expensive when first sold, or terrible, so either way not largely bought.
I was on Kijiji last week and saw an ad for "board games $5" which is normally full of crap, but the first picture had a copy of Nightmare, which caught my eye since I've sold a fair number of them. The ad had none of the games listed, just two photos. I saw that in the first photo there were three games I could make a decent return on ($20-25 each), and figured I could turn $15 into an easy $60-75. I swiped to the second picture, and there was some common place party game (Tri-Bond I think), and on its side in a shadow was this game. I couldn't believe it. I immediately contacted the guy saying I wanted all four games - I could still sell the other three and didn't want to alert him to this one maybe being worth money if I just wanted the one. I guess no one else saw the ad, or bothered to look closely enough, but no one else contacted him about it and I picked it up the next day. I guess it pays to be diligent and careful. 
While not my highest sale to date, it is pretty close. Helps bring March to a nice end.

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