Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Who needs a dongle?

Bought: $2.25 Sold: $26.80 Fees: $3.62 Profit: $20.93

This sale is all Chris' work. He picked up a couple of video game dongles - wireless receivers that plug into your system that allow you to use various controllers. This one is for Rock Band and connects the wireless guitar. Chris picked a bunch of these up for me, at about $2 each. I was hesitant to list them - they seemed more work than they were worth - and I am always hesitant to electronics that I can't test. That being said, Chris was over earlier this week helping me photograph and list items and the first thing he packaged were the dongles. So with all the work done, I had no choice but to list them, and the first one has sold. Chris is quite proud of himself. They definitely have a very good ROI, and seem to sell. As long as I don't get this returned as not working, I will be a happy camper.

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