Thursday, March 24, 2016

Netflixs' Daredevil helping me sell stuff?

Bought: $3.94 Sold: $33.01 Fees: $3.99 Profit: $25.08

This is a Marvel Essential The Punisher Volume 1, which collects the first appearances of the character The Punisher. Considering that the newest season of Netflix's Daredevil stars the Punisher, it is likely that whomever bought this book had finished watching the series and wanted to read some Punisher from the beginning.

The Marvel Essentials are an interesting concept - and probably worth picking up if you can find them cheap enough. The idea was to print large runs of various key characters, starting with their first appearances, in black and white on cheap newsprint paper. The idea being that you could read a large amount of the character's appearances, in order, for cheap. These retail for about $30. These were, for a long time, the only way to read a lot of older issues of the comics. This is how I first read early Daredevil and Moon Knight comics. They are becoming less popular as Marvel focuses on other, more expensive and better looking, forms of publishing these older comics. That being said, Essentials are still a cheap way to read them, especially for someone new to the character. These can be quite valuable, more so if it is out of print, and more so if the material has not been collected elsewhere. This is where having a knowledge about comics comes in handy. That being said, for $4 I would likely pick up any Essential I see for sale, because if I couldn't sell it, I'd easily be able to add it to my collection. 

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