Thursday, March 10, 2016

Hipsters have a new desire - old Walkman cassette players

Bought: $3.38 Sold: $59.86 Fees: $4.17 Profit: $52.31

So, apparently, Walkman cassette players are back in fashion. This one not only sold for over $50, but it was BROKEN! This particular model (WM-F10 II), if working, can sell for close to $200 USD! That being said, not every model fetches this price, and for most models I've seen they fetch $20-40 for a working one. This was the first model I've seen that is this desirable for a broken one. I think this model is popular because it is made of metal, not plastic, is light-weight and compact, and looks classic. Not a bad investment at all when you can turn a few dollars into $50. Chris is credited with the finding of this one. He did okay.

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