Monday, March 21, 2016

Cranium Cariboo

Bought: $4.73 Sold: $51.91 Fees: $6.06 Profit: $41.12

This is a pre-schooler-aged board game made by Cranium called Cariboo. Chris was actually the one who turned me on to this game as a good flip, and he was right. Cranium has made a whole slew of games, but this one seems to be the only one worth buying to flip. Apparently a very good game for young kids, and is now out of print. Chris picked this one up at a VV, so point for him. I had a number of offers on this, and a number of complaints over shipping to the states (which was about $20 USD to the size and weight), but finally someone bought it at full price and it is off to New Jersey. 

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