Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Play-Doh and Cars - what more do you need?

Bought: $2.25 Sold: $52.75 Fees: $5.63 Profit: $44.87

Yet another Play-Doh play set. Play-Doh is fast coming one my best selling items. I never realized how serious people collect these things. This was a used, but complete set, which always seems to sell a lot faster than individual parts. It always amazes me how not only how often I find Play-Doh at VV, but how often I find them in their original box. How many people give enough care to keep the box, store it in it, and then donate it that way when done with it? It amazes me. That being said, this was found by Chris. I've sold one of these before, and he knew it was worth getting. The set he picked up was complete, except for the plastic base - which is kinda important. Luckily I had picked up a box a few weeks ago that was mostly incomplete, but that I kept in hopes of being able to complete a set one day. Good thing I did. With the base from that set, I had a complete set. It didn't sit long, and sold within two weeks. 

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