Saturday, March 26, 2016

Avalon Hill and golf!

Bought: $11.29 Sold: $66.33 Fees: $6.98 Profit: $48.06

This is one of my few remaining Avalon Hill games. This one is their golf game. This is a perfect example of where research comes in very useful. This is the 2nd edition of the game released by Avalon Hill, in which they changed the golf course. This game is based on the actual Augusta golf course in 1982. The first edition had been a different course. All the sold listings for this game on eBay where for about $20-30, but they were all the first edition, I listed this as the 2nd edition, and made sure to specify that it was the 2nd edition with a different course, and asked a lot more. I could have been lazy and just listed it at the going rate without doing research and got half the price. I am eager to find more Avalon Hill games - hopefully at garage sales this spring.

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